Alright, y’all, let’s talk about this WWE script leaked thing. You know, like them wrasslin’ shows on TV? Yeah, that stuff.

Now, I ain’t no expert, mind you. I’m just a regular person who watches sometimes when there ain’t nothin’ else on. But even I know that them fights ain’t real. Not like a real fight down at the bar, you know? These fellas, they’re actors, kinda like in them soap operas my daughter watches, all drama and such.
So, this whole “script leaked” thing, it ain’t really a big surprise, is it? I mean, somebody gotta tell them fellas what to do, right? They can’t just go in there and start wailin’ on each other without a plan. It’d be chaos! Like that time the chickens got out of the coop, feathers everywhere, nobody knew where to go.
I heard folks sayin’ these scripts got all the stories in ’em. Like who’s gonna win, who’s gonna lose, who’s gonna get hit with a chair. Sounds like a lot of work, if you ask me. I reckon somebody sits down and writes it all out, like a play or somethin’. Then them wrestlers gotta memorize their parts and act all tough.
- They gotta practice the fightin’, too, I guess. Make sure nobody gets hurt too bad.
- Though, I seen some of them fellas gettin’ slammed pretty hard. Makes you wonder if they really feel it.
- Maybe they do, a little bit. It’s gotta be tough on the body, all that jumpin’ and fallin’. Like that time I fell off the porch, my back hurt for a week!
And these stories, they go on and on. Sometimes for months, even years! I can’t even remember what I had for breakfast yesterday, let alone follow a wrasslin’ story that long. But some folks, they love it. They get all invested in who’s gonna be the champ and who’s gonna turn bad. It’s like a real-life soap opera, but with more muscles and less cryin’, mostly.
Now, when a script leaks, that’s when things get interestin’. Folks start gossiping, seein’ if the stories they heard were true. It’s like findin’ out the endin’ of a movie before you see it. Some folks get mad, say it ruins the surprise. Others, they just wanna know what’s gonna happen. Me? I just figure it’s all part of the show. Like when the butcher puts extra sausages in your bag, you just take ’em and don’t ask questions.
They say these scripts leak online sometimes. Somebody gets a hold of ’em and puts ’em up on the internet for everyone to see. I don’t know much about that internet stuff, but my grandkids are always on it. They say you can find anything on there. Recipes, pictures of cats, even WWE scripts, I guess. It’s a whole ‘nother world, that internet.
So, is it a big deal when a WWE script leaked? I dunno. It’s just wrasslin’, right? It’s entertainment. It’s supposed to be fun. If knowin’ the story beforehand ruins it for you, then don’t read the leaks. If you like knowin’ what’s comin’, then go ahead and read ’em. It ain’t gonna change nothin’ really. Them fellas are still gonna go out there and put on a show, script or no script.
And at the end of the day, that’s all that matters. They’re there to entertain us, to make us cheer, to make us boo. And whether it’s all planned out or not, it’s still pretty darn impressive to see them fellas flyin’ around that ring. It’s like watchin’ acrobats, but with more punches and less sparkly outfits.

So yeah, that’s my take on this whole WWE script thing. It’s a show, it’s entertainment, and sometimes the secrets get out. Ain’t nothin’ to get too worked up about. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go check on my chickens. Hopefully, they ain’t plannin’ no escapes of their own.
And remember, this whole wrasslin’ thing, it’s like a pie. You got your crust, which is the story. Then you got your fillin’, which is the fightin’. And then you got your whipped cream on top, which is the drama and the surprises. Sometimes the whipped cream melts a little early, but the pie is still good. You just eat it and enjoy it.
Tags: WWE, Wrestling, Script Leaked, Leaks, Entertainment, Professional Wrestling, Storylines