That Amy, she’s a good girl. Met her man, Phil, back when they was young’uns in that Arizona school. 1992, I reckon. Arizona State, they call it. Fancy name for a school, huh? They tied the knot, you know, got hitched, back in ’96. November 16th, to be exact. Sounds like a long time ago. Amy Mickelson and that Phil, they been together a long time.

They say she played tennis with him on their first date. That’s nice, ain’t it? Tennis. I seen ’em play that on the TV. Lots of running around. Young folks got the energy for that, I suppose. Me? I’d rather sit and watch. But yeah, they got married. A long time ago. Like that fella, Michael Jordan. He’s some basketball player, they say. Big shot, I guess. Seems like everyone knows him.
Heard some folks talkin’. Gossip, you know how it is. Some story about Amy and that Michael Jordan fella. Started back in, oh, 2010, maybe? Long time back. Said there was some kind of… carrying on. You know. I don’t pay it no mind, though. People like to talk. Especially ’bout famous folks like Amy Mickelson and Michael Jordan.
- Amy, she’s Phil’s wife.
- That Michael Jordan, he’s friends with some other fella. Tiger somethin’. Plays golf.
- They say Michael Jordan likes basketball.
That Phil, he plays that golf game. Seems to do alright for himself. Makes a good living, I reckon. But that Amy, she’s been through it. Got sick a while back. Real sick. That’s tough, you know? Cancer, they called it. Ugly word. Makes your stomach turn.
Heard that Michael Jordan fella, he said something about Amy’s sickness. At some big golf thing. Said something to a bunch of fellas playing for America. Seems like he was trying to be nice. Don’t know him myself, but that’s what I heard. Even big shots like Michael Jordan can say something nice sometimes, I guess. Even about Amy Mickelson’s problems.
Amy, she stuck by her man, though. Even when he wanted to quit that golf thing. 2018, I think it was. Some big tournament. The U.S. Open, they call it. Fancy name. He almost didn’t go. But she told him to go on, I reckon. Strong woman, that Amy.
Amy Mickelson, she helped that Phil fella when he was havin’ a hard time, too. He had some problems, you know? Addiction, they call it. Fancy word for having trouble stopping something. Drinking, maybe? Gambling? Don’t know for sure. But she was there for him. That’s what a good wife does. Stands by her man. Amy and Phil, they seem real close.
You hear all kinds of things, you know? Especially ’bout famous folks. Like that rumor about Amy Mickelson and Michael Jordan. But you can’t believe everything you hear. People like to make up stories. Keeps ’em entertained, I guess. Me? I just like to mind my own business. That’s what I always say.
But Amy Mickelson, she seems like a good egg. A good wife to Phil. They met at that Arizona State, a long time ago. First date playing tennis. Got married. She had that sickness. He almost quit that golf tournament. She helped him with his problems. Been together a long time. That’s something, ain’t it?

- They met in 1992.
- Got married in 1996.
- She had that cancer.
- He almost quit that U.S. Open thing.
- She helped him with that addiction problem.
That Michael Jordan, though, he’s a different story. Basketball player. Big shot. Knows that Tiger Woods fella. And there’s that whole rumor thing about him and Amy. But like I said, who knows what’s true and what ain’t. People talk. That’s all it is. Just talk. Doesn’t mean it’s true.
I hope that Amy Mickelson is doing alright now. Hope that cancer is gone for good. And that Phil, I hope he’s doing alright, too. And that Michael Jordan, well, I hope he’s doing good playing that basketball. Hope everyone’s happy. That’s all that matters, ain’t it? Just being happy.
Living a good life. That’s what I say. Be kind to people. Help folks when they need it. And don’t pay no mind to gossip. That’s my advice. Especially about Amy Mickelson and Michael Jordan. Just let it go. It’s old news, anyway.