Okay, so, I was just chilling and scrolling through my phone, right? And I got curious about how much money some famous people have. I started thinking about athletes, and then the name Ken Griffey Jr. popped into my head. I mean, the guy was a legend in baseball back in the day.

So, I started digging around to find out Ken Griffey Jr.’s net worth in 2023. First, I just did a simple search, you know, just to get a general idea. I found some websites saying that he’s worth around 90 million dollars. 90 million! Can you believe that?
- The first number I saw was 90 million bucks.
- After that, I saw some other website mentioned that his net worth should be around 85 million bucks.
But I wasn’t just gonna stop there. I wanted to know more. I checked a few different sources, and most of them were saying it’s somewhere in that ballpark, around 85 to 90 million. It is a ton of money, no matter how you slice it.
Deep Dive into Griffey’s Dough
But I wanted to know how he got so rich. Obviously, he made a lot from playing baseball, right? He was one of the best players ever. I remember watching him play as a kid, and it was just magical. Anyway, I found out he made millions from his salary and bonuses during his career.
But it’s not just from baseball. Turns out, Griffey also made a lot of money from endorsements. He was a superstar, so of course, companies wanted him to promote their stuff. I bet he made a killing from those deals. Smart guy.
And then, you know, he probably invested his money wisely. I mean, you don’t just keep 90 million in your piggy bank, right? He must have put his money into stocks, real estate, or other businesses. I wish I knew the specifics, but that kind of info is hard to find.
During the searching process, I also found some other guys’ net worth, like Bud Selig. Wow, his net worth is around 400 million! But I am not going to talk about him.
Anyway, the bottom line is, Ken Griffey Jr. is loaded. And he deserves it. He was an amazing baseball player, and he clearly made some smart moves with his money. It’s cool to see how much he’s worth now, after all these years. Makes me wonder what he’s up to these days…