That Frank, Frank Ragnow, I heard people talk about him a lot, that football player. They say he makes a lot of money. Good for him, I say. He plays for that team, what’s it called? Detroit Lions. Yeah, that’s it. Big strong boy. He must eat good.

So, this Frank Ragnow, they say he’s got a lot of money. I heard someone say Frank Ragnow net worth is a lot, like millions. Millions! Can you imagine? I can barely count to a hundred. What would I do with all that money? Probably buy a new rocking chair. And maybe some of them fancy candies. The ones with the nuts in ’em.
They say he got a big contract. That’s what they call it, right? Like a paper you sign. He signed one in, what was it, 2021? Something like that. It’s a long time ago now. They say he signed it for four years. Four years of playing football. That’s a lot of running around. My old knees could never. And they say he gonna make, get this, $54 million! Lord have mercy, that’s a lot of zeroes. Frank Ragnow contract is huge, they say.
They talk about this net worth thing. Like how much a fella is worth. Like, if you sold everything you got. Not that I got much. But this Frank, his net worth, they say it’s way up there. One fella said it was over 78 million. 78 million! I don’t even know what you do with that much. You could buy the whole town, maybe the whole county. That’s Frank Ragnow net worth in 2024 they say.
- He’s a center, they call him.
- Plays for the Detroit Lions.
- Got a big contract, lots of money.
- Makes millions, that Frank Ragnow.
He must be good at that football. To make all that money. He is the highest-paid center. That’s what they said. The best of the best. He makes more money than all the other centers. Frank Ragnow salary, they talking about it all the time. I heard someone say he’s making 7,900,000 dollars this year. Just this year! And he gets extra money for working out. They call it a “workout bonus.” $100,000 for working out! I work out in my garden every day, where’s my money?
They have all these fancy words. Cap hit. Dead cap. Don’t ask me what they mean. Sounds like something you’d wear on your head, a cap. But they say his cap hit is $12,800,000. And his dead cap is $13,200,000. Sounds important, I guess. All I know is, that’s a whole heap of money. More money than I’ll ever see in my whole life.
He’s a good boy, that Frank. At least, I think so. Never met him. But to make all that money, he must be doing something right. And he’s helping his team, the Detroit Lions. They need all the help they can get. Maybe one day they’ll win that big game. The Super Bowl, they call it. Wouldn’t that be something? And that Frank Ragnow, he’d be right in the middle of it.
I heard some folks talking, they said he signed another deal, another contract. Another four years. They say he gonna get even more money. Just under 70 million. 70 million dollars! You could buy a whole lot of them candies with that kind of money. Maybe I can be his friend and he will share some with me.
That’s all I know about that Frank Ragnow. He’s a rich young fella. Good for him. Hope he’s happy. And I hope he remembers to be kind to folks. That’s what really matters, you know. Being kind. Even if you got all the money in the world, like that Frank Ragnow net worth.