Today, I want to talk to you all about something I tried out recently – “pen in golf”. Yeah, you heard that right. It sounds kind of weird, but stick with me.

The Beginning of a Dumb Idea
So, I was messing around on the course the other day, and I had this pen in my pocket. Don’t ask me why. It just felt right to me. I started wondering if using a pen for some shots would somehow improve my game. It is a stupid idea, but I was just gonna go for it.
Trying It Out
First thing I did was use the pen to mark my ball. That’s normal. Nothing special. But then, I got this really crazy idea. What if I used the pen like it was my club? Sounds crazy, I know.
- Lining Up Shots: I tried using the pen to help me line up my shots. I’d hold it up, trying to get a better sense of where my ball was gonna go. Did it work? I don’t know…
- Putting with a Pen: This was the big one. I actually tried putting with the pen. I took out my putter, and replaced it with…a pen. I tapped the ball a few times, trying to get it in the hole. It was ridiculously hard, and I felt stupid, but I was already in too deep at this point.
- Drawing on the Ball: I even tried drawing little lines on the ball with the pen, thinking it might help with the spin or something. I’m not even sure what I was thinking here.
Did It Actually Work?
Okay, so let’s be real. Did any of this actually improve my game? Probably not. My score was about the same as usual. But, it was a fun experiment. I got some weird looks from other golfers, that’s for sure. I kept at it, though. I mean, I was already out there looking like a fool, might as well go all the way, right?
The Aftermath
After a few holes of this nonsense, I decided to go back to my regular clubs. The pen thing was fun, but it wasn’t exactly helping. But you know what? I did get a good laugh out of it. And sometimes, that’s all that matters. I mean, golf is supposed to be fun, right? Who cares if you look a little silly sometimes? I sure don’t. And after this whole thing, I felt more relaxed and had fun. It’s not every day you try to play golf with a pen.
So, would I recommend trying to play golf with a pen? Probably not. But, if you’re looking for a good laugh and don’t mind looking a little crazy, give it a shot. You never know, you might just have some fun.