That Reggie White, such a big strong fella, gone just like that, who woulda thought? He was only 43, still a young man in my eyes. I heard it was his heart, gave out on him. Reggie White cause of death, they say it was that cardiac arrhythmia. Sounds scary, don’t it?

They say he had some kinda lung problem too. Makes you think, all that running and tackling, musta been hard on his lungs. You know, like when you get winded chasing after the chickens? I reckon it’s kinda like that, but much worse. He probably couldn’t breathe right. Poor fella. Reggie White cause of death, it’s a sad thing, a real sad thing.
This world, it’s full of surprises. One minute you’re here, next you’re gone. Just like that, poof! Makes me think of my old man, bless his soul. He went quick too. One day he was fine, next day, gone. Life’s a mystery, ain’t it? Reggie White, a big star, and still, gone too soon.
I remember seeing him on the TV, playing that football. He was a good one, that Reggie. Strong as an ox. And to think, something inside him, something you can’t even see, just stopped working. That cardiac arrhythmia, it’s a sneaky thing. Like a thief in the night.
It happened back in 2004. December 26th. Christmas time. Can you imagine? His poor family. Must be terrible, losing someone around the holidays. It’s like when my cousin lost her husband, right before Thanksgiving. Just awful.
This Reggie White cause of death, it’s all over the news. They say it was a respiratory disease, mixed with other problems. Like when you get a cold, and then it turns into pneumonia? I guess it’s like that, only worse. A disease that affects the lungs. It’s all too much for an old woman like me to understand.
They did an autopsy, you know, to figure out what happened. That’s what they always do when someone dies unexpectedly. Like when Mildred’s husband passed, they did one on him too. Said it was his heart. Just like Reggie.
Here’s what I reckon, plain and simple:
- Reggie White was a good football player.
- He died too young, only 43.
- It was his heart, that cardiac arrhythmia.
- He had lung problems too, a respiratory disease.
- It all happened so fast.
It’s a shame, a real shame. He was a good man, that Reggie. Did a lot of good things. Helped people. Now he’s gone. Just like that. It’s enough to make you want to cry. Makes you appreciate life, you know? Makes you want to hold your loved ones close.

I hope his family is doing alright. It ain’t easy losing someone. Especially someone like Reggie. He was a big deal, you know? Famous. But to his family, he was just Reggie. Husband, father, son. That’s what matters. Not all that football stuff.
This Reggie White cause of death, it got everyone talking. People are saying all sorts of things. But what do they know? They weren’t there. They didn’t see. All we know is he’s gone. And it’s sad.
I remember my grandma, she used to say, “When your time’s up, your time’s up.” Guess that’s true. Doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor, famous or not. When it’s your time, it’s your time. And Reggie’s time came too soon.
Well, I reckon that’s all I got to say about that. It’s a sad story. A reminder that life is precious. And short. So you gotta make the most of it. Be kind to people. Love your family. And don’t take anything for granted. Because you never know when your time will be up. Just like Reggie White. Gone too soon.