Alright, listen up, you young whippersnappers! I’m gonna tell ya how to pick off them fellers runnin’ on the bases in that there MLB The Show 23 game, ya hear? It ain’t rocket science, but ya gotta be smart about it, like me when I’m snatchin’ the last piece of chicken at Sunday dinner.

First off, ya gotta know what’s goin’ on. Keep your eyes peeled! Don’t be starin’ at the clouds or countin’ the flies buzzin’ around. Look at the runner, see how big of a lead he’s takin’. Is he itchin’ to steal? Is he sleepy and takin’ a nap out there? You gotta figure that out.
- If he’s jumpy, like a cat on a hot tin roof, he’s probably gonna try somethin’.
- If he’s just standin’ there, yawnin’ and scratchin’ his behind, well, you got time, but don’t get too comfortable.
Now, the pitcher, he’s gotta be quick, like a fox snappin’ up a chicken. Timing is everything, just like when you’re bakin’ a pie – gotta take it out at the right time or it’s burnt to a crisp. You hold down that L1 button, that’s the secret sauce. But don’t just hold it down all day, the batter will be lookin’ at you like you’re crazy. You gotta tap it quick, like a woodpecker peckin’ at a tree. Tap, tap, bam! That’s what I say.
And the catcher, he’s gotta be good too. A good catcher is like a good husband – reliable and always there when ya need him. He helps the pitcher out, calls the pick-off, tells him where to throw it. They gotta work together, like a team of horses pullin’ a wagon.
You want those quick picks, ya know? Not that slow stuff, where the runner has time to get back like he’s strollin’ through the park on a Sunday afternoon. We want him out before he knows what hit him, like when your grandpa used to sneak a cookie from the jar when he thought no one was lookin’.
Now, some of you young fellers, you’re probably swingin’ that bat like there’s no tomorrow. But hold your horses! Be a passive hitter, at least for a little bit. Take a pitch or two, see what the pitcher’s got. Get a good look, get in a good count. It’s like when you’re fishin’ – gotta be patient, can’t just yank the line the second you feel a nibble. Even after the first two pitches, don’t go swingin’ at everything. Make the pitcher think, make him sweat a little. Then, when he least expects it, bam! Pick him off!
Some folks say you gotta have a fancy pitcher to pick someone off. Well, that’s hogwash! Sure, a good pitcher helps, but it’s more about bein’ smart. It’s about knowin’ when to throw, where to throw, and havin’ that catcher on the same page. It’s like makin’ a quilt – gotta have all the pieces in the right place, or it’ll fall apart.
So, to recap, here’s what you gotta do:
- Watch that runner like a hawk.
- Pitcher gotta be quick and sneaky.
- Catcher gotta be on the ball.
- Be a patient hitter, don’t be a wild man at the plate.
And most importantly, practice, practice, practice! You ain’t gonna get good at pickin’ folks off just by sittin’ on the couch and eatin’ potato chips. You gotta get in there, play the game, and learn from your mistakes. It’s like learnin’ to drive a tractor – you gotta get behind the wheel and do it, even if you stall it a few times.

So go out there and dominate that there MLB The Show 23 game. Throw them runners out like yesterday’s trash. And remember what I told ya, because this old lady knows a thing or two, even if I don’t know all them fancy video game words. Now git outta here and let me get back to my stories.