So, I saw this picture of Khamzat Chimaev without his beard the other day, and man, it threw me for a loop. I mean, this guy is known for that thick beard, right? It’s like, part of his whole tough-guy image. Seeing him without it was…weird, to say the least.

I got curious. How different does he really look? I decided to do a little experiment. First, I grabbed a bunch of pictures of Khamzat with his beard. You know, the usual fight photos, Instagram posts, that kind of stuff. I wanted to really get a good sense of his “normal” look.
Then came the tricky part. I needed to find a picture of him without the beard. That was a lot of pictures of him, so I was searching for a long time and it made me feel tired. But, luckily, I finally found one of him without a beard.
After I got the two versions of his pictures, I opened up my trusty old photo editor. Nothing fancy, just the basic one that came with my computer. I’m no Photoshop wizard, but I know enough to do some simple edits.
Next, I started playing around with that picture. I used the clone tool to basically erase his beard, bit by bit. I had to be careful here, you know, to make it look somewhat natural. I tried to match the skin tones and textures as best as I could. It was actually kind of fun, like digital surgery or something, haha.
- First, I zoomed in real close to the beard area.
- Then, I started using the clone tool to copy skin from his cheeks and chin onto the beard area.
- I had to adjust the brush size and softness a lot to get it to blend properly.
- Took me a while, but I think I did a pretty decent job.
Finally, after an hour or so of tinkering, I had a picture of Khamzat with no beard. And let me tell you, it was a big difference! He looked so much younger, almost like a different person. It’s amazing how much a beard can change someone’s appearance.
The Result
I put the two pictures side-by-side, the original and my edited version. The difference was crazy. It was like looking at two different people. It made me realize how much we associate certain features with a person’s identity. Without his beard, Khamzat just didn’t look like the same fierce fighter. It was a fun little project, and it definitely gave me a new perspective on the power of facial hair!
It is interesting to see this guy without his iconic beard. It made me think, “Maybe I should shave mine off too?” But then I remembered I look like a lost puppy without it, so maybe not. Anyway, it was a fun experiment. What do you guys think? Does he look better with or without the beard?