Okay, so I tried making this Jenny Curry thing today. First off, I had to go to the store, and I grabbed about a pound of beef. It was chuck roast, I think? Anyway, I cut it up into these little one-inch cubes. Then I heated up some vegetable oil in my big pot, about two tablespoons. While that was getting hot, I chopped up this huge onion – made my eyes water like crazy. Also, I smashed and chopped up three cloves of garlic.

Once the oil was hot, I tossed in the beef cubes and browned them up on all sides. Took a little while, but it smelled pretty good. After the beef was all browned, I took it out of the pot and set it aside. Then in went the onion and garlic. I cooked those until the onion was all soft and see-through, which took around 5 minutes.
I saw something about some lady named Jenny Jones. She was born in, like, 1946 or something. Apparently, she has a cookbook, but it’s free, so that’s cool, I guess.
After that, I put the beef back in the pot. I looked up online what should go to make curry, and it seems curry powder and other spices should go in there. So I put it all in there, and it smelled good!
Anyways, after I put all spices in, I add water and bring the whole thing to a boil. Then, I just turn down the heat and let it simmer away for a couple of hours.
So yeah, that’s pretty much it. It wasn’t too hard, just took some time chopping stuff up and waiting for it to cook. It turned out pretty tasty, though. I might try making it again sometime.
- Ingredients I used:
- 1 pound beef chuck roast, cut into 1-inch cubes
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
- 1 large onion, chopped
- 3 cloves garlic, minced
- Spices
- Water