Alright, let’s gab about Peyton Manning and them young’uns he’s got. You know, that football fella, used to throw the ball real good. Big fella, strong arm.

So, Peyton Manning children, that’s what we’re talkin’ ’bout. He’s got two of ’em. Yep, two little shavers. Not one, not three, but two. And wouldn’t ya know it, they’re twins!
- Twins, I tell ya! Two for the price of one, like them sales down at the Piggly Wiggly.
- A boy and a girl, makes it nice and even, I reckon.
Now, their names, let me think… It’s somethin’ fancy, not like Billy Bob or Sue Ellen. Ah, yes, it’s comin’ to me. The boy, he’s called Marshall. Marshall somethin’ or other. And the girl, she’s Mosley. Mosley somethin’ too. Fancy, right? Marshall and Mosley Manning, that’s it.
Peyton, he married his sweetheart, Ashley Thompson, way back in 2001. Long time, ain’t it? These young folks these days, they don’t stick together like they used to. But Peyton and Ashley, they seem happy enough. Met her before he even went off to that college in Tennessee. Smart fella, gettin’ hitched early, settlin’ down.
Then, in 2011, boom! Twins! Just like that. Imagine the surprise! Two little mouths to feed, two sets of diapers to change. Lordy, I bet Ashley had her hands full. But twins, they’re a blessin’, even if they’re a handful. Keeps ya busy, that’s for sure.
Now, Peyton and his brother, Eli, that other football player, they got a whole mess of kids between ’em. Seven, I heard. Seven grandbabies! Can you imagine? Christmas must be somethin’ else at their houses. Presents piled up high, kids runnin’ ’round like chickens with their heads cut off. Sounds like a whole lotta noise to me, but a whole lotta love too, I reckon.
The Mannings, they’re kinda private ’bout their young’uns. Don’t see ’em plastered all over the magazines or them internet things. Probably a good thing, keep them kids outta the spotlight. Let ’em grow up normal, like regular folk. Ain’t nothin’ worse than a spoiled brat, I tell ya. Money don’t buy you manners, that’s for sure.
Peyton, he was a heck of a quarterback, they say. One of the best. And now he’s a daddy. Peyton Manning’s kids, Marshall and Mosley, they got a good one there. A fella who knows about hard work and dedication. Hope he teaches them young’uns the same.
It’s funny, you see these big strong fellas on the TV, throwin’ that football, gettin’ knocked around. And then you think about ’em at home, playin’ with their kids, readin’ ’em stories, changin’ diapers. Just regular folks, when it comes down to it. Family’s family, whether you’re a football star or a farmer.

So yeah, Peyton Manning’s twins, Marshall and Mosley. That’s the scoop. Two kids, a boy and a girl. Born in 2011. And that’s all there is to it, really. Nothin’ too fancy, just a family, like yours and mine. Except maybe they got a few more dollars in the bank. But money ain’t everything, now is it? It’s love that matters, and it sounds like Peyton and Ashley got plenty of that to go around for them twins of theirs.
And that Eli fella, he’s got four young’uns of his own. Ava, Lucy, Caroline, and Charlie, I think their names are. So them Manning cousins, they got a whole crew to play with. Family reunions must be somethin’ else, all them kids runnin’ ’round. I bet it’s a sight to see.
So there you have it, the lowdown on Peyton Manning’s children. Nothin’ too complicated, just a good ol’ family story. And that’s the best kind, if you ask me.