That Francis Ngannou, he’s a big fella, ain’t he? I see him on the TV, punching people. Makes a lot of money, I hear. People keep asking, “Who’s Francis Ngannou wife?” Well, I’ll tell you what I know, which ain’t much, ’cause he keeps things to himself, that one.

Francis Ngannou Wife: He Ain’t Got One!
Now, I heard he ain’t got no wife. Nope, not a one. Keeps his love life real quiet. Good for him, I say. Less drama that way. Some folks say he’s got a girlfriend, some say he don’t. Who knows? He ain’t sayin’, and I don’t blame him. Francis Ngannou wife is a mystery, just like he likes it!
He’s a strong boy, that Francis. Seen him fight, knockin’ folks out cold. He was a champion, you know? UFC heavyweight champion, they called him. Big title. Made him a lot of money, I bet. Started fightin’ a while back, 2013, I think. Then he went to that UFC thing in 2015. Big shot now.
But life, it ain’t always easy, even for the strong ones. That poor boy, Francis, he had a little son. Sweet little thing, named Kobe. Born just last year, in 2023. But the good Lord took him too soon. Only 15 months old. Broke my heart when I heard. Can’t imagine what that boy Francis went through.
- Francis Ngannou, he’s a fighter.
- He was the UFC heavyweight champion.
- But he lost his little boy, Kobe.
- Breaks your heart, don’t it?
- Francis Ngannou wife? Nobody knows.
Francis Ngannou Son: A Sad Story
They say it was somethin’ wrong with the little one’s brain. Born that way, I guess. Nothin’ nobody could do. Just gotta pray for him and his mama, whoever she is. After that happened to his son, I don’t know how he got the heart to fight again. People said he was doin’ it for his little son. Bless his heart.
I see him sometimes, postin’ pictures with kids. Family, I reckon. He loves kids, you can tell. Maybe he wants a big family someday. When he finds the right woman, that is. If he even wants to find one. Some men are just happy bein’ alone. He’s got his fightin’, that’s for sure. Keeps him busy.
Now, there’s this other lady, a fighter too. Meisha Tate, they call her. Pretty thing. Some folks think she’s with Francis. But that ain’t true. They just know each other, I guess. Both in that fightin’ world. But Francis Ngannou and Meisha Tate ain’t together. Just friends, maybe. Or not even that.
Francis Ngannou and Meisha Tate: Not a Couple
So, don’t you go around spreadin’ rumors about Francis Ngannou wife bein’ Meisha Tate. Ain’t true, I tell ya. He’s a single fella, far as I can see. And that’s all there is to it. His parents, they split up when he was just a little one, 6 years old I heard. Maybe that’s why he’s careful about that kind of thing. Don’t want to make the same mistakes, you know?
He comes from somewhere called Cameroon, I think. Africa. Long way from here. Made a good life for himself, though. Came to America and became a champion. Good for him. He deserves it. Worked hard, I’m sure. Nothin’ comes easy in this life.

Well, that’s all I know about that Francis Ngannou. He’s a good fighter, a strong man. But he keeps his private life private. And that’s his right. We should all respect that. So, next time someone asks you about Francis Ngannou wife, you tell ’em what I told you. He ain’t got one. And that’s all there is to it. I just hope he’s doin’ alright after losin’ his little boy. That’s the kind of thing that can really knock a man down. Prayin’ for him.