Okay, so I saw this thing online about Francis Ngannou, this mixed martial arts guy, who’s known for having the most powerful punch in the world. I mean, this dude’s punch is compared to getting hit by a Ford Escort at full speed! They said his punch is like, 96 horsepower, and even stronger than a 12-pound sledgehammer coming down on you. That’s wild, right?

So, I got curious. I mean, I’m no professional fighter, but I do hit the gym sometimes. Could I, a regular guy, even get close to that kind of power? It became a challenge I couldn’t resist. I had to try this out.
Finding a Way to Measure
First, I needed to figure out how to actually measure the power of my punch. Apparently, there’s this machine, like the one PowerKube made, that can tell you the force, speed, and accuracy of your hit. But I don’t exactly have one of those lying around. And I’m definitely not going to buy one just for this little experiment. A bit too much for me.
Then it hit me. The gym! There’s gotta be something there I can use. So I went to my local gym, and asked the trainer, I told him about my idea. This guy, Mark, he’s a big MMA fan himself. He was into the idea. He found a heavy bag that has some sensors for measuring the impact force. It’s not as fancy as the professional machines, but it could give me a rough idea.
Getting to Work
Mark set up the bag, and I started with some warm-up punches. Just some light jabs, getting the feel of it. I also tried some off-balance uppercuts as I saw someone mentioned it online. Then, I took a deep breath and gave it my all. I punched that bag as hard as I possibly could, over and over again. Each time, I tried to put my whole body into it, twisting my hips, using my legs, just like how I imagine Ngannou does it.
Mark was there, reading the numbers from the bag’s sensor. He was cheering me on, saying things like, “Come on, give it more!” and “You got this!” It was pretty fun, actually. I felt like a real fighter, even though I know I’m not.
The Results
After about half an hour of punching, I was exhausted. My arms felt like jelly, and I was drenched in sweat. But I was also excited to see the results. So, what did the sensor say? Well, my punches were nowhere near Ngannou’s. Not even close. His record was 129,161 units, and I was only hitting around, like, maybe 10% of that, if I’m being generous. The trainer was trying to be nice, saying it’s still a powerful punch for an average person, but let’s be real, it’s not “hit by a car” powerful.
What I Learned
This whole thing was a fun experiment, but it really gave me a new appreciation for professional fighters like Ngannou and Alex Pereira. These guys are on a whole different level. Their power is insane, and it’s not just about strength. It’s about technique, speed, and probably years of training. It is not just like throwing a punch as hard as you can.
So, yeah, I didn’t break any world records, but I did have a good time. And I learned that I’m definitely not cut out to be a professional fighter. I’ll stick to my regular workouts, and leave the world-record-breaking punches to the pros. But hey, at least I tried, right? That’s what counts.