Alright, let’s talk about this Anfernee Simons fella. Folks keep askin’ me, “Who’s that Anfernee Simons’ girl?” Well, hold your horses, I’ll tell ya what I know. It ain’t easy keepin’ up with these young’uns and their goings-on, but I done heard a thing or two.

Now, from what I gather, this Anfernee boy, he’s a basketball player. Plays for them Portland Trail Blazers, whatever that is. Big tall fella, I reckon. And like any young man with some pep in his step, he’s got a gal, see? Her name is Bre Hudson. Yep, Bre Hudson, that’s the name they’re whisperin’ about.
I ain’t met the girl myself, mind you. But they say she’s a looker. Pretty as a picture, some folks say. Don’t know what she does, if she works or just sits pretty. These young folks, they live different lives than we did, that’s for sure. Back in my day, a girl worked hard, sunup to sundown. But times change, I guess. Times change.
- Anfernee Simons plays basketball.
- He plays for the Portland Trail Blazers.
- His girlfriend’s name is Bre Hudson.
Now, there’s some other gossip going around too. Something about another girl and a baby, or somethin’ like that. It’s all a bit confusing, to be honest. They say this other girl, Aaleeyah Petty her name is, she’s got a baby with another basketball player, Brandon Ingram. And somehow, Anfernee’s mixed up in it all. Lordy, these young people and their complicated lives!
I tell you, it’s hard to keep it all straight. Seems like everyone’s connected to everyone else these days. Back in my day, you married your neighbor’s son and that was that. None of this baby mama drama and whatnot. But I ain’t here to judge. Just tellin’ you what I heard.
So, to recap, Anfernee Simons girlfriend is Bre Hudson. That’s the main thing to remember. And there’s some other girl, Aaleeyah Petty, but she’s got a baby with someone else. Got it? Good. Don’t ask me no more questions about it, my head’s already spinnin’!
Anyways, Anfernee seems like a good enough fella, from what I hear. Works hard, plays his basketball, and keeps out of trouble mostly. And Bre Hudson, well, I hope she’s a good girl and treats him right. That’s all a body can ask for, ain’t it?
Now, I gotta go make some supper. All this talk about young folks and their love lives has made me hungry. Just remember, Anfernee Simons and Bre Hudson, that’s the couple you wanna know about. Don’t go gettin’ it mixed up with all that other nonsense.
And that’s the whole story, as far as I know it. If I hear anything else, I’ll be sure to let you know. But for now, that’s all I got. So go on now, get outta here, and leave this old woman to her peace and quiet.

Anfernee Simons girlfriend, Bre Hudson. Remember that now. And don’t go spreadin’ no lies or rumors. Just the facts, ma’am, just the facts.
One last thing, these basketball fellas, they make a lot of money, I hear. Good for them, I say. Work hard, play hard, that’s what I always say. And if they find a nice girl to share it with, well, that’s just the cherry on top. So good luck to Anfernee and Bre, I say. May they have a long and happy life together.
And that’s all she wrote, folks! Now go on, git!
Tags: [Anfernee Simons, Bre Hudson, Aaleeyah Petty, Portland Trail Blazers, NBA, girlfriend, relationship, basketball]