Well, let me tell ya ’bout this fella, Aaron Baddeley. He’s a golfer, ya know? One of them fellas who whacks balls with a stick. Sounds kinda silly when ya put it that way, but they make a good livin’ doin’ it, so who am I to judge?

Aaron Baddeley, the Golf Whacker
Now, this Aaron, he’s a bit of a special case. They say he was real young when he started hittin’ them balls real good. Like, a young’un, barely outta diapers, probably. Folks were sayin’ he was the youngest fella to ever play for Australia in somethin’ called the Eisenhower Trophy. Sounds fancy, huh? I ain’t got a clue what it is, but it must be important. They wouldn’t be talkin’ ’bout it if it wasn’t.
And get this, he won the Holden Australian Open, not once, but twice! First time, he was just a young fella, an amateur they call it. That means he wasn’t even gettin’ paid for it! Just playin’ for the love of the game, I guess. Then, he won it again the next year! That’s like winnin’ the pie-eatin’ contest at the county fair two years in a row, only with golf balls and, well, no pie.
- Born in Lebanon, New Hampshire. Don’t get it twisted, that’s in America, not that place over in the Middle East.
- Plays golf real good. Like, real, real good.
- Represents Australia in big golf things.
- Won some big golf games, even when he was just a young’un.
From Young’un to Pro
So, Aaron, he keeps on whacking them balls, and he gets real good at it. He turns pro, which means he starts gettin’ paid for it. And not just a little bit, I reckon. He goes on to play on somethin’ called the PGA Tour, both in America and in Australia. Big fancy tournaments with lots of money and folks watchin’.
They say he’s got dual citizenship, American and Australian. Guess that means he’s got two homes. Lucky fella. I’ve only got one, and it leaks when it rains. But hey, at least it’s home. Aaron, he probably has nice houses, with them fancy golf course views and all. I saw one of them golf courses once. Green as a spring pea, it was.
Keepin’ Up with Aaron
Now, if you wanna know what Aaron’s up to, you gotta read them news things. They got all sorts of stories about him and his golf whacking. You can find out what tournaments he’s playin’ in, how he’s doin’, all that jazz. They even got pictures, so you can see what he looks like. He’s a nice-lookin’ fella, I reckon. Clean-cut, you know? Not like some of them long-haired hippies you see around.

I ain’t sure what else to tell ya ‘bout Aaron Baddeley. He’s a golfer, a good one at that. He plays in big tournaments and wins some of them. He was born a long time ago, back in 1981. Do the math, that makes him… well, older than my prize-winning rooster, that’s for sure. He seems like a hard-workin’ fella, and that’s somethin’ I respect. Folks who work hard, they deserve good things, even if it’s just whacking a little white ball around a field all day.
Aaron Baddeley – Born on March 17, 1981
Yeah, that’s right, this fella Aaron, his birthday is on St. Patrick’s Day. Now, I ain’t know much about that holiday, except it involves wearin’ green and maybe drinkin’ some of that green beer. Don’t know if Aaron does any of that, but maybe he does. Maybe he wears green golf shirts on his birthday, wouldn’t that be somethin’? He was born in Lebanon, New Hampshire. A cold place, I hear tell. Lots of snow. Makes ya wonder how a fella from a place like that gets so good at a game played on green grass under the sun. But that just goes to show ya, talent can sprout anywhere, like a dandelion in a crack in the sidewalk.
Aaron Baddeley on the PGA Tour
Now, this PGA Tour thing, that’s where all the big-shot golfers play. It’s like the major leagues of golf, I guess. Aaron, he’s been playin’ on that tour for a long time. He plays against all them other fellas you might have heard of. Wins some, loses some. That’s the way it goes in golf, just like in life. One day you’re on top, the next day you’re in the rough. But Aaron, he keeps on swingin’. That’s the important thing, ain’t it? Just keep on swingin’, keep on tryin’, keep on whacking them balls until you get it right. Or until it’s time to go home and eat some supper. Whichever comes first.
So, that’s Aaron Baddeley for ya. A golfer, a winner, and a fella who seems to be doin’ alright for himself. If you see him on TV, give him a wave for me, will ya? And tell him to keep them balls outta the sand traps. Nothin’ worse than a sand trap.