That Jeremy Pena, he’s a good boy, playing that baseball. He’s got himself a girlfriend, too. Her name, I think it’s Vasiliqi Turlla. Sounds like a mouthful, right? This girl, she’s a runner, you know? One of them track and field types. Always running around, jumping over hurdles and such. Good for her, I say. Keeps her busy.

They say this Vasiliqi, she’s a real go-getter. She’s been with Jeremy for a while now. Long time. Not just a fling, you know? They seem to be serious. She must really like that baseball, to stick around with a player like him. It’s all travel, and games, and practice. She’s a patient one, that Vasiliqi.
Jeremy, he used to play for some bears. Black Bears, they called ’em. Up in Maine. Cold up there, I hear. Must be tough playing baseball in that weather. But he did good, that boy. Got himself drafted into the Major League. Big time now. Makes a lot of money, I bet. Enough to keep Vasiliqi in running shoes, that’s for sure!
This Vasiliqi Turlla, she’s got her own thing going on. She doesn’t need no baseball player’s money, I think. She runs her own race, that girl. She’s got parents, like everyone else. Don’t know much about them, though. They must be proud, their daughter running around like that, winning things.
- She’s a runner, that Vasiliqi.
- She’s been with Jeremy a long time, that’s what they say.
- Jeremy played for the Black Bears. Sounds fierce, huh?
This Jeremy Pena girlfriend, she is something else. Keeping up with a baseball player ain’t easy. All that time on the road, away from home. She must really care for him. Or maybe she just likes the excitement. Who knows what goes on in these young people’s heads?
She runs and jumps, this Vasiliqi. I saw her picture once. Strong legs, that girl’s got. Good for her, I say. Better than sitting around all day, like some folks. Keeps you healthy, all that running.
Now, this Jeremy, he’s got a good personal life, it seems. Got himself a good girl. Someone to come home to after all them games. That’s important, you know? Having someone who cares. Even if you’re a big shot baseball player. Everyone needs someone.
They say this Vasiliqi, she’s got her own money. From running, I guess. Or maybe her folks got money. Who knows? Don’t matter much, long as they’re happy. That’s the main thing, right? Happiness.
- Jeremy Pena, he’s a lucky guy.
- This Vasiliqi, she seems like a good one.
- Running and playing baseball, that’s their life.
I wonder if they’ll get married, those two. Jeremy and his runner girl. Seems like they’re headed that way. Been together a long time, you know. That means something, in this day and age. People don’t stick together like they used to.

She’s probably a good cook, that Vasiliqi. Gotta keep that baseball player fed, you know? They burn a lot of energy, running around that field. Need a good meal to keep them going. Hope she can make a good stew. That’s what my husband liked. A good, hearty stew.
This whole Jeremy Pena girlfriend thing, it’s something to talk about, I guess. Keeps the folks entertained. Everyone likes a love story, right? Especially when it’s a baseball player and a runner. Sounds like a movie, almost.
This Vasiliqi, she must have a good head on her shoulders. That running takes the dedication, you know? And sticking with the baseball player, that is another thing. Must be smart, too.
Well, I hope they’re happy, those two. Jeremy and his Vasiliqi. Hope they make a good life for themselves. That’s all that matters, ain’t it? Being happy. And having someone to share it with. That girl, I think she will have good career too. She runs fast, that’s good, right? Hope she earns a lot, so she will have a good life with Jeremy, that baseball boy.