That Messi, he’s a good boy, plays good football. I seen him on that TV, running around like a chicken with its head cut off, scoring all them goals. He got a new shirt now, black and pink, kinda like the color of my old pig, Petunia, after she rolled in the mud. That black and pink Messi jersey, it’s somethin’ else. Every kid wants one, like hotcakes at the county fair, they sell like that.

Folks tell me it’s a big deal, this shirt. They call it a “jersey”, fancy word for shirt, I reckon. All them young’uns running ’round wantin’ to be like Messi. He is good, I give him that. I remember seein’ him play, zippin’ past everyone like a rabbit through the cornfield. Now everyone wearin’ that black and pink, thinkin’ they can play like him. Bless their hearts.
I seen some of them shirts down at the store. They got all kinds. Some for the little tykes, all small and cute. Those children’s Messi jerseys, they just like little doll clothes, almost. And then they got the bigger ones, made by that “adidas” company. That’s a name I hear all the time now. adidas Messi jerseys, they the real deal, I suppose. Expensive, though. More than I’d pay for a shirt, that’s for sure.
That store, what’s it called? “Fanatics”? They got all kinds of them Messi shirts. Fanatics, they’re makin’ a killin’ sellin’ these things. Everyone wants one. They got the Lionel Messi jerseys, and other shirts, too. Every time I turn around, there is the boy’s name. Lionel this, Lionel that. He must be some kinda big shot.
- They got shirts for the men, big ones.
- Shirts for them little kids, too.
- All different colors, but that black and pink one, that’s the one everyone wants.
They say it is a special shirt, that black and pink Messi jersey. Some kinda “history” behind it. I don’t know about all that. Seems like just a shirt to me. But folks love it. It is special. And that Messi, he sure can play. Reminds me of my grandson, Billy, when he was young, runnin’ ’round the yard with a ball. Except Messi, he’s, you know, good. Real good. Good like a, good like a well that never runs dry. That’s how good he is.
Folks are talkin’ about that Lionel Messi Soccer jersey like it’s the second comin’ or somethin’. Every game, there he is, in that pink, or that black. Sometimes he wears the pink one, sometimes the black one. He wears other shirts, too. I seen him. But that black and pink, that’s the one everyone’s talkin’ about. It is like when that Johnson boy got that new tractor, that big red one, everyone went to see it. Same thing with this jersey.
I heard them sayin’ it is special, this black and pink one. They say it means somethin’. All them fancy words, I don’t understand half of it. But I see them kids’ faces when they wear it. They light up like a Christmas tree. Makes ’em happy, I reckon. And that’s somethin’. That makes a body feel good. Makes ya feel warm inside like a good bowl of soup on a cold day.
It is a popular shirt, that’s for sure. More popular than apple pie at the church social. That black and pink Messi jersey, it is everywhere. Every time you turn around you see someone wearing it. Even old Mrs. Henderson’s grandson, the one who never played no sports, even he got one. He wears it all the time now, runnin’ around like he thinks he is Messi himself.
I guess it is more than just a shirt, then. It is like a, like a dream or somethin’. Kids, they dream of bein’ like Messi, scorin’ them goals, hearin’ the crowd cheer. And that shirt, that black and pink one, it is like a piece of that dream. They wear it, and they feel like they can do anything. They feel like they can fly. Like they can run fast like that Messi fella. It is a good thing, I think. Givin’ them kids somethin’ to dream about. Somethin’ to look up to.

That store, Fanatics, they know what they are doing. They sell all them Lionel Messi jerseys. They sell them all day long. People just buying and buying them. That Messi, he must be very proud. Everyone wearing his name on their back. It is like a uniform, that shirt. A uniform for dreamers. I reckon that is a good thing. A right good thing. I think maybe I will get one for my grandson, he will like that. He will wear that jersey every day. Yes, I think I will do that. Make him happy, that is what matters.