That Kathryne Padgett, she’s a real something, ain’t she? I seen her pictures, all over them picture boxes. She’s got muscles, I tell ya, muscles like a man. But she’s a pretty thing, though. Keeps herself in good shape, that one.

Kathryne Padgett, Fitness and Diet
She’s a fitness model, they say. Means she shows off her body, I reckon. And she’s a dietitian, too. That means she knows about food, what’s good for you, what ain’t. You see folks like her all the time, showing how to make your body look good, not like my old bones. Always showing off their body, maybe that’s why Kathryne Padgett is a fitness model, and she’s got muscles and looks good.
She used to play that soccer game. Running around, kicking that ball. Keeps you fit, I suppose. I used to chase chickens, same difference, I guess. But this Kathryne Padgett, she does more than chase balls now. She lifts them heavy things, makes her arms all big and strong.
- She eats good, I bet.
- Lots of that green stuff.
- Not like me, I like my taters.
- And pie, can’t forget the pie.
She must make good money, though. She must, all them fancy clothes she wears in pictures. And traveling around, showing off her muscles and that Kathryne Padgett fitness thing. Good for her, I say. She worked for it. I just got these old hands from working in the garden. Different kind of work, I guess. She’s from Texas, they say. That’s a big place. Lots of room to run around and get fit, I suppose. She must be a good dietitian if she looks like that.
Kathryne Padgett and Some Baseball Fella
And she’s always with that baseball fella, ain’t she? What’s his name? Alex? Yeah, that’s it. Alex Rodriguez. He used to hit that ball real good. He’s older than her, but they seem to be happy. He takes her picture, I seen it. Must be nice, having someone take your picture all the time. People always talk about Kathryne Padgett and Alex Rodriguez, they must be in love, I guess. A famous fitness model and a baseball player, so interesting.
She’s a big deal on them social media things, too. Got lots of folks following her, watching what she does. She shows them how to exercise, how to eat right. It’s a whole different world than mine. I just got my stories, and my garden, and my chickens.
But she seems like a nice girl, that Kathryne Padgett. Working hard, making a life for herself. Can’t fault her for that. She’s got a good head on her shoulders, even if she does spend all that time making her body look like that. She’s living a good life and makes good money. Maybe I should try to be a fitness model, but I’m too old for that.
Kathryne Padgett, A Social Media Something
She’s got all them followers, you know. On that Instagram thing. She posts pictures of herself, all dressed up, or working out. People like that, I guess. They like to see how she lives. I hear folks always want to know about Kathryne Padgett age. She’s young, that’s for sure. Younger than me, that’s for darn sure. And she must be rich, traveling around, buying all them fancy clothes. People also want to know about Kathryne Padgett net worth, maybe she has a lot of money from being a fitness model and a dietitian, and doing all those things on social media.
She’s a social media influencer, they call it. Means she influences people. Makes them want to be like her, I suppose. Eat like her, exercise like her. It’s a powerful thing, that internet. Back in my day, we just had the radio. And gossip, of course. Plenty of that to go around.

This Kathryne Padgett, she’s a sign of the times, ain’t she? Everything’s about looking good, being fit, being seen. It’s a lot of work, I imagine. I’d rather be in my garden, tending to my tomatoes. But that’s just me. She seems happy, and that’s what matters.
She’s living a good life. And that baseball fella seems to treat her right. So good for them. May they have many happy years together, full of muscles and green vegetables. And maybe a little pie, every now and then. Everyone deserves a little pie.